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Written by Lester. Posted in Uncategorised

Uganda track distribution.

 Hello brother Brad 
This is my first report of tracts and TEOCAAA booklets distribution efforts in Uganda and it is from Mbarara City,Western Province
Once again I thank the Lord for making it possible to bring the gospel to Mbarara.The reception was very high, as it has been in many cities I have visited in this region
I arrived in Masaka Uganda on 21July and spend two nights there because on 22nd July it rained heavily and so I could not travel to Mbarara,instead I left Masaka for Mbarara on 23 July and arrived around mid day.Spent about two hours to find a hotel and then started sharing the true gospel to the people of this city
I started at the Mbarara Central Market and the streets on the two sides of the Market
Yesterday was another day in which I shared the gospel materials in Kampala not Ssabagabo
The day started with rain and as I was thinking about Ssabagabo I could not resist but decided to pick a different location in Kampala City and shared the gospel (Actually I have not reached even 20% percent of Kampala in terms of locations in all my two trips I have made here my observation i think Kampala alone needs about  +200,000 tracts and like a whole two weeks to share the gospel)
The area is around Mukwano Mall.At first I stood right in front of the Mall.Then as I went to buy drinking water I saw a location which turned out to be excellent in terms of reception rate where I can confidently say that throught my time there the rate was 40-50 tracts per minute.The good thing about this place is that people come like in a line.There is a wall fencing the shopping mall behind me and infront was a huge trench like a river and so people were confined between these two features.There was a few moments of discussions but mainly people came to ask about TEOCAAA booklets then I will ask them if they have seen the tract and that they are sure they want the booklet.At around 6pm I finished all the tracts I had and went back to my hotel room to add more and came back to work until around 10pm when I left the place after finishing  all the gospel materials I had.
At this location alone two distributors can distribute 10,000 tracts in a single day
Before I left I  walked in the direction where people went and saw only about 25 discarded tracts
Another thing I have noticed is that the best time to share the gospel materials is as from 1-2pm onwards.Thats when people  are many and going home assuring atleast the tracts reach their homes
When darkness fell,the Lord had prepared a single powerful light which servers as security light of the Mall's fence.Here is where I stood so that everyone coming knew what I was doing for them to decide taking the tract or not.This I believe is the reason why there are always very few  discarded tracts wherever I share the gospel.I make sure most understand it's the gospel
It's in my heart this morning to go South of Kampala leading on to Ssabagabo to share the few hundred tracts remaining then I will head to Mukono City which is a few kilometers from Kampala along Jinja Road
As I was about to leave last night I extended my  hand to give one gentleman a tract and he stopped and told me that he already had received one whe I was sharing in Gulu City which is hundreds of kilometers from Kampala in North Uganda.This assures that the gospel is reaching far areas as people travel to various locations within and outside the places or cities I share 
Thank you all for always keeping me and the work of our Lord in your hearts
It's brother Mutale
Kampala  City-Uganda

As I was sharing the gospel I remembered Isaiah 55:1
"Ho,every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters,and he that hath money;come ye;buy,and eat;yea,come,buy wine and milk without price."
Sharing the gospel is calling people unto salvation and there is so much-do it yourself salvation preaching in our day
I shared the gospel up to around 9:45 pm then returned to my hotel room
I shared the gospel in and around the market,visited motorcycle parking around and was also able to reach a few students along the streets who were coming from their schools
On another note,Gilbert Kaweesa from Masaka who was unable to join in called asking to join me saying his leg is much better now after the accident and that he can now accompany me for a few days depending on his work schedule.He will   arrive in Mbarara tomorrow morning
I am sending a few photos taken at the market and the streets.When I took the photo there were few people but later on the entire area was filled with people especially because people come to sell their merchandise in the evening and many more others to buy
Thank you all for your prayers and please continue praying for us and that our Lord may save many according to His perfect will
From Mbarara
Brother Eric Mutale
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Hello brother Brad 
This is my second report for tracts and TEOCAAA booklets distribution in the City of Mbarara,Uganda
I am thankful to our Lord for enabling us to share the true gospel to the people of Mbarara and this covers day two and three
Yesterday and today were full days and I and Gilbert Kaweesa plus two other individuals shared the gospel in the streets of Mbarara.Yesterday we started at the Mbarara Bus Terminal.There are two gates at the terminal and we took positions of each gate and were able to share the gospel materials to thousands of people arriving and those leaving  Mbarara.This terminal serves buses going all over Western Uganda villages and small towns.
We shared tracts to motorvehicle riders,in the buses,shops around the terminal and those selling food stuff and small small merchandise 
This time many people asked questions mainly why should we stop attending the local congregation.As it is,many could not comprehend that we are commanded to leave the churches and so I explained to them a few things and encouraged them to write to the indicated email addresses for further teachings and any questions or understanding they may have
Today,we decided ourselves into two groups.The first group went to visit one big hospital and the sorounding areas and the other went to Mbarara Taxi rank which serves people coming from and going to the outskirts of the city
After finishing all tracts and TEOCAAA booklets we left for the second City of the trip which is called Fort Portal or locally known as Kabarole.Arriving late in the evening we just took hotel rooms but Lord willing, we will start the work tomorrow 
We took a few photos of the areas we visited
Thank you all for your continued prayers and, as we share the gospel may the Lord Jesus bless these efforts into the hearts of many people unto salvation 
Thank you for now
From Kabarole (Fort Portal)
It's brother Eric Mutale
Hello brother Brad 
Blessed Lord Day
I am writing this report from Kampala where I arrived last night from Kabarole otherwise also known as Fort Portal
This report is for Fort Portal
After finishing with Mbarara I and one young man Name Muzamiru travelled to Fort Portal (Kabarole) on 25th of July
Gilbert Kaweesa had to return back to Masaka because his foot started to swell again and so we discussed about it and agreed for him to go back home
In Fort Portal we started same evening but we did not do much.On 26 July, me and Muzamiru started around 10 am.At first it was so disappointing in terms of reception rate.We took the first street leading to the main Taxi stand and distributed on both sides of the street,in the shops and motorcycles riders as well as petty traders.Ugandans love to speak their local languages and so one of the challenges I faced was understanding them when they ask about what are we sharing
By the time we reach close to the taxi stand I lost sight of Muzamiru and so alone went to the stand and that's when reception rate picked up so much that I finished about one thousand tracts in about an hour.Then one motorcycle rider came to me and advised that I go to the local market and so he took me back to the hotel for additional tracts and TEOCAAA booklets and then brought me to the market.Here I shared tracts and also answered a few questions from three young men and a lady concerning the time we are living in and the nature of Salvation.Some asked for tracts to share with others starting at the taxi stand especially taxi conductors which was very good because it meant tracts reached remote areas and villages where the taxis ply
By the afternoon,Muzamiru also had to go back to Mbarara.He lives with his mother only and that his mother is a moslem (we pray for her)
Then around 5pm I went to Fort Portal SS (Secondary School) where one can distribute thousand of tracts to students alone.At this school I shared the last tracts and booklets I had for the day.As for booklets I distributed by asking them to form a group of 5 for one book since they attend the same school.Three school girls asked for tracts to share with boarder.I gave each 100 tracts and after  a few minutes one returned and asked for more.The day ended at this school and I went back to my hotel.Yesterday I shared all that was remaining and by midday I left Fort Portal for Kampala
Kabarole is not a big city and I was actually worried if ever I will finish the tracts but it turned out to be a city where reception was just incredible. By the way,where there is a congestion of people reception can be very low but where a few people pass almost every one picks a tract because I think people have time to consider unlike those who are rushing
I am sharing a few photos taken at the Taxi stand, Market including young people who asked questions and one selfie at the SS.There was no time to take proper photos there due to overwhelming number of students passing and also that I always try not to annoy the authorities.Where I stood was not exactly at the school gate but on the street and so I was able to reach many other people who were going up and down the street
O may the Lord have mercy unto as many as will read the materials in Fort Portal and sorounding areas
Praise God for His work
It's brother Eric Mutale 
For Fort Portal( Kabarole) tracts distribution efforts
[Editor's notes: the reception described by our brother Eric in this report is nothing short of amazing; also note that many of those taking the tracts and TEOTCAAA booklets are moslem, which reminds us of Isaiah 60:6-7 where God declares that the descendants of Keturah and of Ishmael shall be gathered together and come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory; also note the crowds of young students being presented with the true gospel. May we continue to keep this mission activity in prayer and ask for physical and spiritual strength for our brother and fellow missionary.]
Hello brother Brad 
This is my first report for Kampala City 
I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for enabling me to be in the streets of Kampala for the second time this year so that I can share the gospel to the people
I started sharing the gospel at an area known as Namirembe Bakuli where I stood at a street corner where I was able to reach people coming from three different directions and,again,reception was just amazing
One notable thing is that this area,like two others I shared the gospel earlier this year,is predominantly a moslem area, who in my observation, are the ones who accepted tracts without any resistance or anger.Very very few will refuse and some will take a tract and,realising it's about the Bible,they will come back to return it to me saying "but I am a moslem" I will then have a short discussion with some of them and I encouraged many to take.I worked here until around 9.30pm before returning to my hotel room
Yesterday,29 July I went to another community outside the city called Bugolobi.This was my first place i shared the gospel back in 2007 (17 years now) and was able to share tracts here until about 8pm
Two notable things about Bugolobi today:
1. While sharing the gospel, at around 5pm a group of students coming from nearby schools literally overwhelmed me and took hundreds of tracts and about 70 TEOCAAA booklets by themselves.Some students will take a bunch of tracts and start sharing to others,many others crossed from the other side of the road causing traffic to literally come to a halt to allow hundreds of these students to reach me,in fact this was facilitated by the traffic Police who were working in that area.I was not able to take photos because I was alone and in all this not a single tract or booklet was discarded 
2. Bugolobi area is temporary home for Sudanese refugees who have fled their country due to civil war and so, again I was able to reach many moslem people from a different country through those students as well as other people who went into that community
In my experience, 10,000 tracts can be shared in Kampala in just a day if you have two people working on two sides of any street not only here but throughout other cities I have visited so far in Uganda.
It is just amazing and may the Lord Jesus bless many as I continue to share the gospel in this beautiful country.It is so peaceful and the authority have no problems,I have never been asked once unlike some cities in Kenya
I will be finalising Kampala today and move on to other cities as planned.Aparently,I will be operating from Kampala to cover all cities I planned to visit in the Central Region.It will help to reduce movement of tracts boxes which is a bit challenging because of weight and volume.Most of these cities are just a few kilometers from Kampala City 
Thank you all very much for your continued prayers.Lord willing,my next report will be for Kira city
It's brother Eric Mutale 
J & J Hotel,Kampala-Uganda
Hello brother Brad 
This report is for Kira town in Central Region 
Kira town is a few kilometers north of Kampala, visited by many people from the villages and smaller towns who brings agricultural produce almost on a daily basis to sell
I had a couple of individuals who came to help including Morris and  Rogers.We walked into roadside markets,taxi terminals and shopping centres 
We however had rain interrupting our work several times for all the four days and as a result we did not finish all the tracts,still have about 2000 tracts but all TEOCAAA booklets for Kira were finished
Upon my return to Kampala yesterday I went to the streets to finish the 2000 tracts but again heavy rains came and it lasted for hours
Pleasing to the Lord, I am starting a new city today.I will be going to Nansana to continue with the work.This too is not far from Kampala and it will be the fourth city to visit in Central Region 
We were also approached by the authorities but their concern was anti-corruption demonstrations which has been going on for weeks now in Kampala and nearby cities.There was a time I was stopped and ended up sharing tracts to many soldiers in a military truck
I have just a dew photos to share
May the Lord continue bless many people in Kira with Salvation 
Thank you 
Brother Eric Mutale 
View the embedded image gallery online at:
This report is for Kira town in Central Region 
Kira town is a few kilometers north of Kampala, visited by many people from the villages and smaller towns who brings agricultural produce almost on a daily basis to sell
I had a couple of individuals who came to help including Morris and  Rogers.We walked into roadside markets,taxi terminals and shopping centres 
We however had rain interrupting our work several times for all the four days and as a result we did not finish all the tracts,still have about 2000 tracts but all TEOCAAA booklets for Kira were finished
Upon my return to Kampala yesterday I went to the streets to finish the 2000 tracts but again heavy rains came and it lasted for hours
Pleasing to the Lord, I am starting a new city today.I will be going to Nansana to continue with the work.This too is not far from Kampala and it will be the fourth city to visit in Central Region 
We were also approached by the authorities but their concern was anti-corruption demonstrations which has been going on for weeks now in Kampala and nearby cities.There was a time I was stopped and ended up sharing tracts to many soldiers in a military truck
I have just a dew photos to share
May the Lord continue bless many people in Kira with Salvation 
Thank you 
Brother Eric Mutale 
View the embedded image gallery online at:
[Editor's note: following is yet another detailed report sent by Eric Mutale from Uganda with news that should cause us all to lift up our hearts to God with thanksgiving for the wonderful things that God is doing using his servants to accomplish His work. May we continue to keep our brother in prayer.]
Hello brother Brad 
I am writing from Gulu, Northern Uganda bordering South Sudan
I arrived here yesterday from Kampala after finishing with Nansana City
Once again, I thank the Lord for His mercies and the amazing reception in Nansana
This report therefore is for Nansana City.You will notice that i have skipped two cities from Central Region namely Ssebagabo and Mukono which I will go once I am done with Gulu, Lira and Mbale Cities before heading back home to Tanzania
I arrived in Nansana thinking about Kira where reception was not that great but Nansana was different even though at first I thought it will go like Kira
It started very slowly, like it will take about 3 minutes before a tract is picked. At some point I considered leaving for different locations but a popcorn seller encouraged me by supporting my work then what followed was just amazing.One other individual also joined to support the work and tracts were shared very very fast. Where I personally stood was a taxi stop and a supermarket. People from the taxis and those leaving the supermarket in their cars would ask from far for me to bring the tracts and booklets which I never shared except someone asked for it. It was such a busy experience that even taxi operators asked to help and I will ask them how many tracts and they will say "like 100, I will share with my passengers"
There were a couple of schools around too, as usual,students in their hundreds always picked a tract or two
An individual approached me after collecting a tract and TEOCAAA booklet and he started to ask about the contents and if I am aware of the Jewish Feasts, he also asked about times and seasons and the mechanism of separation of wheat from tares. He was there with me for almost an hour and all I told him is to spend time reading the materials prayerfully and should there be any questions he then should make use of the email addresses provided therein
For both days I will finish sharing the gospel well after 10pm in the night and go back to Kampala
Praise God for Nansana City
I am stepping out now to continue the work here in Gulu City. It took more than 24 hours to reach here because no one is allowed to cross the world famous Murchison National Park after 7pm and so all of us slept in the bus
Thank you again and again for your prayers and may the Lord continue to add believers into His eternal Church from these areas I visit
From Gulu City
Brother Eric Mutale
Hello brother Brad 
This report is for Gulu City-Day One
What an incredible half day.I just returned to my hotel room because I could not continue due to heavy rains
I started along the same street my hotel is located.Then two young men approached me to know what is all about and after a brief discussion they joined the work.We went to a small market, shared hundreds of tracts before I met four men who were having lunch at a local restaurant, as we were sharing from house to house.They wanted to know what the tracts were all about, we had like 40 minutes and as they were heading back to work for lunch they promised to write for more information regarding end times
After that the two young men helping me also left. I then headed to the twin bus terminals and shared hundred of tracts. One man came and advised me to go to the Gulu Market where reception was also excellent. Here a man and a woman came for the booklets and as the man saw the title he started to shout saying "This is what I have been looking for, I have waited for this for a long time and you man, you came to Gulu just for me" after cooling down he told me that he has been doing some research for a long time regard end time events and now he got the booklet he will read carefully and get back through emails for more or if he will have questions. After his shouting it's like he made many people now come for the tracts, everyone and that talking...almost overwhelming me...o what a day in Gulu
As I was sharing rain started, heavy rain and so I left for a nearby restaurant where I also shared with a few people inside before I decided to come back to my hotel room, it is still raining though not like when it started which gave me space to return 
Pleasing to the Lord, I will be back to the streets, incluling the market, tomorrow 
From Gulu City, Day One
It's brother Eric Mutale
View the embedded image gallery online at:
Hello brother Brad 
This is my final report for Gulu City.I am now in Lira City
I concluded Gulu distribution at the Gulu Main Market where I started on my day two
Gulu City is home for many South Sudanese, refugees from DR Congo,  ( I actually spoke with them in kiswahili) Central African Republic (CAR),Burundi and Rwanda too so it means I was able to reach some of these dear people right there in Juba
Also, this area is just recovering from decades of civil war and so it is the right time to hear the good news
A few photos of the area are attached 
All honor and glory is to our Lord Jesus, I hope many people will heed the admonition and cry out to God for salvation, like the Ninevites, who knows...
Thank you always for being there interms of prayers
From Northern Ugandan City if Lira for Gulu 
It's brother Eric Mutale
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[8/8, 7:56 AM] Brad: Hi Eric, so, are you in areas where mostly Kiswahili is spoken ?
[8/8, 7:56 AM] Brad: Hello brother Brad, no it is the local language with English.Only the military and Police speak kiswahili in Uganda.While  everyone speak their local language yet all of them speak English because English is the medium of instruct in schools unlike Tanzania. English is therefore used for all government communications
[8/8, 7:56 AM] Brad: North and Eastern Uganda has Internet challenge that's why I am not online most times and also communication delays
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024, 6:19 AM Brad Cowan <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
Hello brother Brad 
This is my final report for Gulu City.I am now in Lira City
I concluded Gulu distribution at the Gulu Main Market where I started on my day two
Gulu City is home for many South Sudanese, refugees from DR Congo,  ( I actually spoke with them in kiswahili) Central African Republic (CAR),Burundi and Rwanda too so it means I was able to reach some of these dear people right there in Juba
Also, this area is just recovering from decades of civil war and so it is the right time to hear the good news
A few photos of the area are attached 
All honor and glory is to our Lord Jesus, I hope many people will heed the admonition and cry out to God for salvation, like the Ninevites, who knows...
Thank you always for being there interms of prayers
From Northern Ugandan City if Lira for Gulu 
It's brother Eric Mutale
Sunday, 18-July-2024
Hello brother Brad 
This is my final report for Mbale 
I did finish with Mbale City by sharing the gospel at Mbale University of Health Science and at the Bus Stage. At the University i met hundreds of students along the nearby street. They were coming into the University Hospital.After about two hours rains started but I had shared hundreds of tracts.Almost no student refused to take a tract with a few asking more for their friends.I also noticed that the majority were Muslim students
Then I went to the Main Bus Stage, shared more tracts where one bus conductor asked for additional tracts to take to the village where the bus was going
There is also a Taxi rank to the south where I also shared many tracts
Then I took a taxi and returned to Kampala in the night concluding Mbale City distribution 
On the Lord’s Day yesterday I also shared hundreds of tracts along Hoima Road here in Kampala 
Pleasing to the Lord, I will be leaving this morning for Ssabagabo City
Two more cities to go before I finish and go back to Tanzania 
Thank you for continued prayers for the work and the people of Uganda 
Brother Eric Mutale 
Hello brother Brad 
I continue to thank our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ for all He is doing in guiding and protecting me as I share the gospel in Uganda
I am doing my last but one City,Ssabagabo
Yesterday I went to Ssabagabo but realised that it actually is a wide administrative area which is also known as Makindye which south of Kampala close to Lake Victoria 
Arriving in the area around 11am but it was very difficult in picking a spot to share the gospel as people are scattered so much so that I would take an hour to share five  tracts
I then asked and was directed and moved to the main Kampala to Entebbe Highway which is adjacent to Makindye-Ssabagabo  and has many people who work along the highway but live in Makindye-Ssabagabo, who by the time i arrived were already gone to work
Upon arriving at the highway I picked  a spot and started to share tracts.It was still so hard but as the day progressed I witnessed one of the highest reception level in Uganda.I can confidently say this was exceptional of all
I was in that spot until midnight and that was possible because when darkness came I moved just a bit where there was sufficient light for people to see me clearly
Among other nationalities, I met a few Congolese people who asked for kiswahili copies, I gave them my WhatsApp number so that I could send the materials to them but I insisted to them that they should send emails through contacts provided in the materials 
Many many just normal looking people asked tracts and TEOCAAA booklets to share with other people where they live, most of them demanding I give them not less than 100 tracts.Scores of them returned to me several times for more.Ofcourse this has been the case in every city but this spot was just exceptional 
Then around 9pm one gentleman came to me for some clarification on TEOCAAA and that which church do I attend. The discussion took almost 45 minutes, he tried to preach to me saying the message is wrong but with scripture references I showed him confirming the message of TEOCAAA is correct.Sadly his conclusion was that the churches leaders are the light of this world but I showed him from the Bible that Jesus Christ said "..., I am the light of the world:..." John 8:12a
After an hour, another one came and his understanding was that John 3:16 means everyone is loved by God, as is taught in the churches that our Lord paid for the sins of everyone and so it is up to us to accept him...a works gospel which is not from the Bible.I showed him from the Bible,Roman 9:13 that God loved Jacob but hated Esau, among other references that God elected certain ones to salvation and not others.He too,could not show a single Bible reference to back his understanding.He left very angry talking to those around about how i preach hatred insisting his same false doctrine is what God is teaching 
On the other hand it is always comforting to remember that the action is God's action and that despite all these false teachings in the churches,God is using individuals and that a great multitude is being saved in this time even though we can not seem them physically 
I pray that among the thousands who received the true gospel yesterday and all other days in these cities of Uganda plus whoever will read the materials there are those whom God will save
I will be going to a different location today and continue to share the gospel before going to Mukono City to conclude this trip
O praise God for He is good and His mercies are everlasting unto His people
Psalm 136:1
For Makindye-Ssabagabo  City
It's brother Eric Mutale
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Yesterday was another day in which I shared the gospel materials in Kampala not Ssabagabo
The day started with rain and as I was thinking about Ssabagabo I could not resist but decided to pick a different location in Kampala City and shared the gospel (Actually I have not reached even 20% percent of Kampala in terms of locations in all my two trips I have made here my observation i think Kampala alone needs about  +200,000 tracts and like a whole two weeks to share the gospel)
The area is around Mukwano Mall.At first I stood right in front of the Mall.Then as I went to buy drinking water I saw a location which turned out to be excellent in terms of reception rate where I can confidently say that throught my time there the rate was 40-50 tracts per minute.The good thing about this place is that people come like in a line.There is a wall fencing the shopping mall behind me and infront was a huge trench like a river and so people were confined between these two features.There was a few moments of discussions but mainly people came to ask about TEOCAAA booklets then I will ask them if they have seen the tract and that they are sure they want the booklet.At around 6pm I finished all the tracts I had and went back to my hotel room to add more and came back to work until around 10pm when I left the place after finishing  all the gospel materials I had.
At this location alone two distributors can distribute 10,000 tracts in a single day
Before I left I  walked in the direction where people went and saw only about 25 discarded tracts
Another thing I have noticed is that the best time to share the gospel materials is as from 1-2pm onwards.Thats when people  are many and going home assuring atleast the tracts reach their homes
When darkness fell,the Lord had prepared a single powerful light which servers as security light of the Mall's fence.Here is where I stood so that everyone coming knew what I was doing for them to decide taking the tract or not.This I believe is the reason why there are always very few  discarded tracts wherever I share the gospel.I make sure most understand it's the gospel
It's in my heart this morning to go South of Kampala leading on to Ssabagabo to share the few hundred tracts remaining then I will head to Mukono City which is a few kilometers from Kampala along Jinja Road
As I was about to leave last night I extended my  hand to give one gentleman a tract and he stopped and told me that he already had received one whe I was sharing in Gulu City which is hundreds of kilometers from Kampala in North Uganda.This assures that the gospel is reaching far areas as people travel to various locations within and outside the places or cities I share 
Thank you all for always keeping me and the work of our Lord in your hearts
It's brother Mutale
Kampala  City-Uganda

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Hello brother Brad 
Yesterday was day one for Mukono City
After finishing with Ssabagabo,Kampala South I went to Mukono which is just about 22kms from Kampala along Jinja Road which also is towards the Kenya border town of Malaba
I started sharing the gospel at a junction there is a collection of shopping malls,markets and a number of schools.There are many roadside sellers of petty merchandise and literally hundreds of Motorcycle riders. By the way,Uganda has the highest number of Motorcycle riders than any other country in East Afrika and Motorcycles are widely used mean of transport here because it is quick and avoids long traffic jams
Reception was high as usual with many people asking tracts to share with loved ones,especially students coming from nearby schools
As it is with other cities,so many people expressed their shock at the fact that God has abandoned the local congregations.It is always sad that salvation is conditioned upon attending a church and therefore discussing it with them left many angry, a few showing interest to study the materials and revert through indicated emails.Ofcourse many agree that there is something wrong with the churches
Again,I shared the gospel until the night fell and returned to Kampala around 11pm in the night.I am setting out to go for day two shortly
May our Lord continue to guide and lead me to locations where to share the gospel and bless many with His Salvation
It is in my heart to target a few Secondary Schools which i was told each have more than 1000 students
On the other hand I am really exhausted now...if it were not for the Lord to  strengthen me and also bring many many volunteers it would be impossible to share these thousands of tracts.In every city I have met individuals who helped alot in sharing the gospel mainly bus conductors,petty traders and students-may God be merciful unto them
For Mukono day one
It's brother Eric Mutale
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Hello brother Brad 
Yesterday was day one for Mukono City
After finishing with Ssabagabo,Kampala South I went to Mukono which is just about 22kms from Kampala along Jinja Road which also is towards the Kenya border town of Malaba
I started sharing the gospel at a junction there is a collection of shopping malls,markets and a number of schools.There are many roadside sellers of petty merchandise and literally hundreds of Motorcycle riders. By the way,Uganda has the highest number of Motorcycle riders than any other country in East Afrika and Motorcycles are widely used mean of transport here because it is quick and avoids long traffic jams
Reception was high as usual with many people asking tracts to share with loved ones,especially students coming from nearby schools
As it is with other cities,so many people expressed their shock at the fact that God has abandoned the local congregations.It is always sad that salvation is conditioned upon attending a church and therefore discussing it with them left many angry, a few showing interest to study the materials and revert through indicated emails.Ofcourse many agree that there is something wrong with the churches
Again,I shared the gospel until the night fell and returned to Kampala around 11pm in the night.I am setting out to go for day two shortly
May our Lord continue to guide and lead me to locations where to share the gospel and bless many with His Salvation
It is in my heart to target a few Secondary Schools which i was told each have more than 1000 students
On the other hand I am really exhausted now...if it were not for the Lord to  strengthen me and also bring many many volunteers it would be impossible to share these thousands of tracts.In every city I have met individuals who helped alot in sharing the gospel mainly bus conductors,petty traders and students-may God be merciful unto them
For Mukono day one
It's brother Eric Mutale
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