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Ghana and Tanzania

Africa Mission

Written by Lester. Posted in Uncategorised


This is my final report for the current tracts distribution efforts in Tanzania.
It has taken more than 10 days to be able to share about 70,000 Kiswahili and 29,000 tracts in the City of Dar es Salaam.
I had targeted the JPM Bus Terminal in Mbezi,Dar es Salaam with the hope tracts will reach upcountry and neighboring countries.
A total of six volunteers were involved including myself but a few times like the last three days,it was only the three of us.
The overall reception was just amazingly very high,so many requested more tracts to share with their loved ones and it was indeed a pleasure to be able to talk to some of the people,i remember one person came to me saying he had read the tract,understood it very well and asked for more tracts for others where he was going.Some bus conductors and drivers also helped us by taking tracts to share with their passengers because we were not allowed into the Bus Terminal by the authorities and so we thank the Lord Jesus for making it possible even where there were restrictions.
Yet in other places we were not allowed to take photos as we wished,like military schools and sometimes even in the streets where people would tell us in advance that they do not want to be photographed.
The other challenge we faced was distribution of English Tracts,we had to visit about 10 Secondary Schools because that is where you can find English speakers.Some times we will share just about 10 tracts for the entire morning or evening.We had to distribute at one school during the morning when students are arriving and go to another in the afternoon to meet the departing.
Extremely few tracts were discarded.
The reason we were able to share this big number of tracts is that these efforts were full day efforts,about 8 hours/day of standing and walking around the place. It is a really exhausting activity but we thank the Lord Jesus for strength and sometimes we get motivation from events like people literally scrambling to get a tract and end up being surrounded by many people,or when some ask a question or even when we see people sitting down reading the tract.
What more can we say,we thank the Lord Jesus for allowing sinful men like me to dare share the gospel being unworthy as we are.We can only hope and pray for as many as received tracts and loved ones at home get saved.
We also thank you all for the funds,patience and prayers for us and equally important, that our gracious Lord Jesus Christ bless the work in the hearts and minds of the people who have read the gospel tracts to heed the warning especially those still in the churches and congregations.
I have attached photos taken from various places including a few schools.I have kept about 1000 English tracts to be in my car so that i can share them to people in places i go like offices.
Thank you again and may the Lord Jesus richly bless you all
Until another time,
Brother Mutale
Dar es Salaam

Greetings on this Lord's Day

This was our third full day of tracts distribution at the JPM Bust Terminal here in Dar es Salaam.

In terms of numbers this was the most engaging day so far.Four distributors were involved and our strategy was to move around the place where we were able to share tracts in the departing/arriving city buses which feeds upcountry buses inside the Terminal.Reception was very high so much that we could not even break for lunch. 
A gentleman approached me with a tract he picked earlier and told me that from the time he got it he sat somewhere and after reading he said that he understood it and therefore asked for more for him to share with others where he was going.I gave him about 15 tracts and he left very much delighted.
We were able to share approximately 25,000 Kiswahili and 5,000 English tracts.Being a Kiswahili country many people will return the English tract and ask for the Kiswahili ones and so my strategy for English tracts is to visit Secondary Schools and Colleges where English is medium of instructions.
Please find a few attached photos we were able to take.
We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for every thing,we pray that many will become saved through this efforts.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek"
Romans 2:16
Thank you all and may the Lord richly bless you
Brother Mutale
Dar es Salaam

 Dear Brother Brad

I hope all is well. I am glad to inform you that the tracts printing has been completed (70,000 Kiswahili and 30,000 English) The printer called me yesterday and I went and completed the payment and collected the 100,000 tracts as per attached receipt and delivery note.In view,by God's grace,I and two helpers will start sharing the tracts tomorrow, Saturday here in Dar es Salaam as planned.The key area will be the JPM Bust Terminal where we target departing as well as arriving passengers from the entire country. We will also visit a few schools and markets,if possible.I kindly request for your prayers,that the Lord strengthens us and bless as many as receives the tracts in this country and our neighbours.Again,thank you very much for the support in sharing the gospel in Tanzania,may the Lord Jesus bless you all for the good work."And it shall come to pass,that in the place where it was said unto them,Ye are not my people;there shall they be called the children of the living God." Romans 9:26Brother

Eric Mutale

Dar es Salaam

Brother Brad
I thank God now that I have completed the treatment since last Friday, I feel fully recovered and recuperated. 
 In view,I am excited to let you know that in about two hours, me and two volunteers will be starting the 100,000 tracts distribution here in Dar es Salaam.We will be doing the distribution at the JPM Bus Terminal.
The plan is to get there early enough (5am) to catch buses leaving the city for upcountry and possibly neighbouring countries in the sub region.
 We request for your prayers and hope our Lord will bless the efforts in the hearts of as many as receive the tracts and their loved ones.
 I will be sending daily reports through email
 Brother Mutale
This is my first report for the August 2021 tracts distribution efforts. 
As we all remember, i had requested to print 100,000 tracts for Dar es Salaam distribution focusing on the JPM Bus Terminal which serves passengers travelling upcountry as well as neighboring countries in the East Africa sub-region.Out of 100,000 tracts,70,000 were printed in Kiswahili language and the remaining 30,000 in English.
We (me and two volunteers) had planned to start the distribution day before yesterday,17 August but as we were on our way,one of the volunteers received a call that his mother had just passed away.We therefore had to cancel the efforts and went to join other family members at the deceased home for burial arrangements which went well.
On 18 August,by the grace of our Lord Jesus,me and the second volunteer were blessed to start the distribution efforts at the Bust Terminal.We left home with about 20,000 tracts (15,000 Kiswahili and 5,000 English) but looking at the area,one can share more than 20,000 tracts in a single day.There are four groups of people in the area,first group is for those leaving the city for upcountry/neighboring countries,second group is comprised of those coming into the city,third includes those going/coming from various workplaces and the fourth group is made up of vendors who come to sell different kind of commodities in and around the bust terminal.
We thank the Lord that our first day experience was joyous in that we were able to share about 17,000 tracts.We finished all 15,000 Kiswahili tracts but about 3,000 English tracts remained by the time we left for home late in the afternoon.
I have attached photos which show the area (including city bus terminal) as well as the two of us standing sharing the tracts.Actually,more than five distributors can position themselves in the area and share the gospel to our fellow human beings without duplicating the efforts.Each time a person extend their hands to receive a tract brought joy in our hearts but much more desire that s/he is among God's elect. 
A lady was selling just a few metres from where i was standing refused the tract the first time but after like an hour she called me for her copy.This reminded me of the two thieves who were crucified along side the Lord Jesus (Mt 27:38,44) both reviled the Lord at first but the one on the right had his eyes opened and he prayed that Jesus should remember him on that day (Lk 23:42).Of course, God had to draw him to Jesus because left to ourselves we can ONLY revile the Precious Savior (Jn 6:44)
We are going back to the Bust Terminal in few hours from now,we hope and pray that the Lord Jesus will grant us His favor and give us strength and desire to share the gospel.
Thank you all for your continued prayers
"And he said to Jesus,Lord,remember me when You come in Your Kingdom" (Lk 23:42)
Brother Eric Mutale
Dar es Salaam,Tanzania










The Lord God allowed us to share the tracts at Nmawie. It was the market day we decided to be in the town, because a lot of people fro. Near by towns and villages come there for shopping and sell their food stuff. There are two senior high school hospitals and other government institutions in the town. The tracts sharing reception was very good and high. Below are some of the photos I took.


Obuasi is a mining and largest town and district capital of Adansi District. People living in the villages and small town around always comes for shoping each day.

I arrived in Obuasi around 10:00am.  We did not share the tracts at one place. We tried and walked in the market and big streets and passed out the tracts to the people in the various shops and those walking in the sides of the street. When we were passing out the tracts, most of rhe people ask the church we worship, and I told thwm that, we are not members of any church. But we study our Bible s at home because the church age has ended.

We left Obuasi around 5:00pm.

Kumasi - Sunyani

This morning, we left home sround 7.00am. When we were traveling, we stopped at two schools, in Tanoso and Apatrapa. These schools are in these towns within Kumasi, on Sunyani road and passed out tracts to Junior High School children. We passed out over 400 tracts in these schools.

When we were on the way to Sunyani, we stopped again in three towns for twenty to thirthy minutes in each town and passed out the tracts to those on the road sides and gave out tracts to people.

Sunyani, which is the regional capital of Brong Ahafo Region is rhe big city with many tiwns and villages sourounding, and have many government institutions like police station, Army Camp, immigration office, radio stations, university, Srnior and Junior High Schools, Shops and big and small markets.

When we were sharing the tracts, we did not be at one place. Firstly, we were at the traffic lights which is very close to the big taxi ranks and the old big market.

From the trafgic lights area, we went through the principal streets and passed out tge tracts to those in their shops, offices and thise walking in the sides of the streets. While we were passing the tracts, we did not stop till we finished passing out the tracts.

The tracts got finished at 3:00pm this evening and we left Sunyani, and arrived home at 6:30pm. Attached are some of the photos which my son took while we were pasasong out the tracts. After sending this report attached to with the photos. I will post the rest later.


Yesterday, the Lord God allowed my son and I to share the gospel tracts at Accra, the national capital of Ghana.
We left home at 4:00 am and reached Accra at 7:00 am . We began the tracts sharing at Abeka Junction Traffic Lights close to United Television Station. All cars from Kumasi, Koforidua, Nkawkaw pass the traffic lights before it reach Kwame Nkrumah Circle and Accra Central. 
From the trafic lights, we moved to 37 Militery Hospital area, and the Tip Toe area at Kwame Nkrumah Circle..

Yesterday, the reception was very good, but the next day which is today is the day which the Moslems are braking their one month fasting. And the government of Ghana declared today as public holiday, and because of the holiday, the streets and every place will be empty. Lord willing, I will find another time and visit Accra,and Tema again.
I will like to post few photos. And Lord willing, I will post the rest later.

Another 50,000 tracts being prepared for distribution.


Santasi, is one of the big town with one of the big Senior High Roman Catholic School. 
The Lord God directed me to pass out the tracts to individuals living in the town, and the student of Opoku Ware Senior High School. My son and I walked in the big street where there are bus terminal and taxi ranks can be located. We walk through the sun and passed out the tracts till this evening around 4:00 pm we came back home.
The tracts sharing reception was very good.


Today, the Lord God allowed us to pass out the message at Esaase, Owabi Dam Workers Quarters in Abuakwa Atwima Nwabi Agya District.
The first photos I am sending are from Esaase. 
In the town, the tracts reception was very good, because the people in the town received the message with joy. And today is public holiday, so we got many people and gave therm the tracts.



Owabi Dam



Tanoso is a town located in Kumasi - Brong Ahafo, and Western Region Road..
This morning, we began the tracts sharing at University of Education Weneba, Kumasi Campus in Tanoso.
We stood at the commercial where the students come and buy cook food to and post letters and print whatever they wanted to print. That is where we got thousands of student and gave the the tracts.
These photos and the part two, and three photos l will send are from the school. Student like reading so we did not find it difficult to pass out the tracts to them. only few of them who are Moslem's, and Jehovah Witnesses refeused to take copies to read.
In Tanoso, we walk from shop to another shop and gave the tracts to people. And those walking on the road sides also got copies to read. The road is single, so there was traffic and we stood on the sides gave the tracts to the passengers in the buses. Those in their private cars private cars also go copies to read.

Nkawkaw, Asante Akim Agogo

Nkawkaw is one of the big towns in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It is the district capital of Kwahu Area. Yesterday, we left home very early and reached Nkawkaw around 10:00 am. From Kumasi to Nkawaka is over 100 miles. it is busy town from Monday to Saturday. Yesterday, we walk and walk to many places, because if we stand at one or two places, a lot of people will not get copies of the tracts to read. The way we passed the tracts, a lot of the people got copies. At the taxi ranks and bus terminals, ans shops and offices we shared the tracts to people.


Today, the LORD God allowed me and my son to pass out the tracts in Asante Afigyase. 
This town is one of the big town, and district capital in Ashanti Region of Ghana. The reception was very good. When we were sharing the tracts, those receiving asked me the name of our church, and I answered them that we are not church, but fellowship. I told them that, the address is at the back of the tracts.


Ejisu is one of the big towns close to Kumasi. I spent two days to finish passing out the tracts in the town.
I spent the whole of the day and gave the tracts to individual in the market, streets, Government Hospital, Municipality, Fire Service Station, Immigration Office, Police Station, Schools, ans bus terminal and Taxi ranks.
The tracts sharing reception was good. Attached are photos of the tracts sharing. 

Akropong, Bechem, Fawom, Tepa.

When we moved from Akropong and driven toward to Bechem, we stopped in some villages located on the road and gave few copies to those we saw them in the road. the five photos is from a town call Fawoman which is close to Abesewa and Bechem. We stopped and passed out 200 copies of the tracts to school children. we spent 40 minutes, and we moved on.

Bechem: We spent about 4 hours and passed out tracts at the taxi rank and the bus terminal, including the market and the main street. Today is the day which the Senior High Schools started their vacation, and because of this, the boarding students were in the taxi rank and bus terminal to board taxis and buses to their home towns. We pass out uncountable tracts tracts in the town. We visited other school and the market area, and stand in the streets and passed out the tracts to people.

Tepa: It is a big town which close to Bechem. And today is market day in the town. The market is very big, and people from near by villages small and big towns comes to the town in market day like today. Farmers bring their food stuff and the shops open for people to come and buy thing to their various home. Around 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm I drove the car with my son to the town and passed out 1,400 tracts in our car to the people in the market, bus terminal and the main street.

Tract distribution Kumasi, Jamasi School for Deaf

Today, the LORD God directed me to pass out the tracts at the tool Booth which located at Kumasi - Sunyani Road.
 The reception was good, because the road is very busy during the day, and thousands of car uses that road daily. At the tool booth, every two to three seconds, cars stop and pay road fund. And if any car stop then I also gave those in the copies of the tracts. few people did not take copies of the tracts. But majority collected copies to read. even, some of the people collected extra copies to give to their friends and relative at their destination. 
When I was passing out the tracts, those walking on the road side came to me, and collected copies to read. School children also came foe copies for them selves and their friends and their teachers.  I passed out 2,500 tracts from the morning to afternoon 2:00pm. I will send more photos later. To God be all the glory.
Today, the deaf students at Jamasi School For The Deaf also received copies of the tracts. Jamasi is a town locates at Kumasi - Mampong road. When I was coming back to Kumasi around 3:30 pm,  I stoped at the school and asked permissioned and passed out 400 copies  of the tracts to the deaf students.  I am glad that, these deaf student also gearing the Gospel.

Tract distribution in  Ashanti Region.

The Lord God put it in my heart to pass out some of the remaining tracts at Bekwai, in the Ashanti Region.

I left home around 9:00 am and arrived in Bekwai at 10:45 am. Today, I distributed the tracts to individuals in the streets, market area, bus tennanal and taxi ranks. The  schools which located close to bus terminal, I tried to give copies to the school children for them to give to their parents. I spent several  hours in the town and pass out 2,000 copies of the tracts. I left Bekwai at 3:30 pm and when I was coming back home, because of the more cars on the road. I reach home at 5:20pm.


Tract distribution in  Asuofua, a town on Kumasi, Barekese Road.

Good evening, we passed out the tracts in  Asuofua, a town on Kumasi,
Barekese road. We could not pass out more tracts because the town is
not big, and most of the people went out to Kumasi Sports Stadium to
watch foot ball match. But prepared those he want them to get the

We walked in the streets and passed out the tracts to any one we met.
Those we approached, no one rejected the tracts. I give all the praise
to God.

Tract distribution in Old Tafo and Amakom

Tract distribution near Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital at Bantama, Kumasi.

Toady, the Lord God allowed us to pass out the tracts at the main
entrance of Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital at Bantama, Kumasi. This
hospital is the second biggest hospital in Ghana. And each day,
thousands of patients visited the hospital for treatment, and other
people also visit their friends and relatives admitted the hospital.

I arrived at the hospital around 8:00 am, and finished sharing the
tracts around 12:00 pm. I enjoed passing out the tracts because the
reception was very good. When I was passing the tracts, those who can
not read, I mean those who do not write or read, and Jehovah Wittiness
did not collect copies to read. All what I can say is that, the
reception was good. Attached are few photos we took during the tracts

Tract distribution in Tanoso, Kumasi.

Today, the Lord God directed me and my son to share the tracts at main
street in the town called Tanoso, in Kumasi.

The reception was very good. My son stood on the side of the street
and I also passed out the tracts to those in the cars from
Sofoline-Kwadado to Abuakwa, Sefwi and Sunyani direction. In all we
passed out almost 2,000 tracts.

To God be all the glory.
Here are another photos. Thousands of cars uses this street, or road
each day, because this road leads to Brong Ahafo and Sefwi Area in the
Western Region. And there are many big towns and villages on his road.
Each mini bus which reach where I stand, 5 to 10 tracts goes to the
people, and private cars 3 to 4 tracts goes to the people in that car.
Even, those who walked on the side are many. Today is Sunday, so most
of them were returned from church serve, and we also give them the
tracts to read.








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