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Written by Lester. Posted in Uncategorised

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Morning Brother , how are you ?
If we take Mathew 24 verses 11 , 12 and 14 chronologically ; we are in the light that many false prophets had already arised worldwide and deceiving many as verse 11 indicates , and iniquity has abounded and thus the love of many had waxed cold . So with all this thing's mentioned in verses 11 and 12 in view , Matthew 24 :14 underscores that this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached asa witness unto all the nations , and then the end shall come.meaning that this gospel (the true gospel) as it is now being preached , is one of the major signs that we are very close to the end of time . I am trying to reiterate that searchinghisword is one of the few ministries that are mandated to declare the true gospel in this latter days . It's like we still have a lot to do in this field of evangelizing the World , hence the fields are whiten for the harvest as Our Lord Jesus had said. 
May He be merciful so as to give us the increase as we labour in this field
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