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South Africa

South Africa

Written by Lester. Posted in Uncategorised

Track distribution.

These are the two reports from Kheliea Thoriso who with some of his children is traveling 600 killometers to Eastern Cape in South Africa to distribute tracts in 3 different languages: English, Zulu, and Sotho. May we be in prayer that God would bless these efforts to share the true gospel with the promise that God's word will not return void but will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent.
Good day Brother 
We were supposed to leave tonight for Eastern Cape , but my youngest daughter is sick , so I decided not to leave tonight but rather wait and see how she will be the following day
I took her to hospital today  , and I hope she will recover for Our God is so merciful.
Good day Brother 
How are you ?
Morongoe is now much better ; so we decided to proceed with our trip early morning hours ; perhaps between 03:00 and 03:30 am tomorrow Thursday our time
We will be 4 this time in our crew for Morongoe their schools has reopened as from yesterday (Tuesday)
We are hoping for the mercies of God to lead us All the way through  ; and to also awaken the spiritual hearts of all who are to be saved as we hand out the tracts

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